Episode 1 - Breakfast

You are listening to Top Tier. I'm your host, Jordan McCray. I find things and I rank them.

We are live.

You are listening to Top Tier. We are live, coming to you from Greenspun Hall, located in Las Vegas on the campus of UNLV. You are listening to Top Tier. I'm going to be your host, Jordan McCray, and I'm joined here with my guest.

You can introduce yourself.

Hello, everybody.

My name is Tyrese Hall. Alright and then let's just get started. Today on Top Tier what we're gonna be doing is really I just take a category of things you know and they have things that fit into that category and we just rank it. Our ranking system is very simple here you know because going 1 through 10 for me is just way too hard you know because it's just too subjective you know it's way too much it takes too long you know we keep it simple here we just say look this is bottom tier all right this thing is just not that great everyone agrees on it all right next year incredibly mid this thing it hits on occasion but it's just not amazing it doesn't blow our mind so it falls in incredibly mid and then we have our top tier the name of the show obviously and these things are amazing should be relatively well agreed upon on everybody that this thing is great, right? So let's get started. Today's category, since I know all you guys were wondering what it's going to be, is going to be breakfast. So for me breakfast, these are, I feel like nowadays breakfast has gotten so complicated and everybody wants to reinvent breakfast because it's 2023 and everybody's getting bored, but I'm just like nah, we're going back to basics, keeping it relatively simple of just everyday breakfast things. So today we're gonna be starting on the bottom tier. And our first breakfast item that I personally believe

is very bottom tier is oatmeal.

I would say, see I was eating oatmeal growing up and shit. So it was mostly just, it's kind of something to get my stomach set. So I mean oatmeal, it's not the number one pick as always, but it's definitely not as better as other things. But I do still say it is pretty good for people that are weightlifting and stuff like that. Right, oatmeal, I feel like it's for your old people and anybody that's protein based, right? They're trying to build or whatever. For me, oatmeal is a textural nightmare. Some people like it super firm, some people like it loose and runny and icky and gross. So to me, it's a textural nightmare, fairly bland, you know, very little flavor in it and it's just, it doesn't blow the socks off, you know? It's like if I have other options, oatmeal is for the most part going to be pretty much


All right, let's move on to our next thing.

Our next breakfast item for us is going to be yogurt bottom tier definitely bottom tier I think yogurt is kind of more for like the healthy vegans

yogurt is not even vegan!

ok but still like but like you have vegan yogurt though that's the thing that exists? I don't even know. Yes, vegan yogurt does exist it definitely does exist it doesn't sound good it definitely doesn't either that's why we put it at the bottom tier because yogurt, overall yogurt is cool, it's whatever, but definitely like bottom tier for, I would say more than half of everybody's list. I understand why people like to start their day off with like just a cup of yogurt, you know, something quick and easy. I guess it's supposed to be light on the stomach, but to me yogurt is yet another textural nightmare. Like, you don't get anything. You don't get protein, you don't get nothing. I mean, maybe some strong bones, but I mean, I've never broken a bone, so. If you're gonna get strong bones, you might as well just drink milk. You know, and something with milk is later on in the podcast, alright? Yogurt, it's just not that great. It's, to me, it's nasty, it's icky, I don't want to eat it, I don't want to smell it, and I don't understand why you want to eat it first thing in the morning. It's like, you want to start your day with that? Ew. It just doesn't, it doesn't sound appetizing at all. And you know, they're like, oh, but there's different flavors, you know, I always have friends that have those yogurt cups where you can flip in the toppings.

Not the yogurt cups, that shit looks nasty.

Nah, I can't do it, I'm not here for it. I need the sign, where is it? The not here for it, there's a sign that we have in our office, one side says I'm here for it, the other side says I'm not here for it. And we are definitely not here for it. Not here for it at all. Alright, let's just move on to our next item. Our next item on the list, I feel like this one might be a little odd, a little controversial, but I firmly believe that this is bottom tier, and it's donuts. Okay, so it depends on what type of donuts, because you still have the Krispy Kremes, the Randys, you have a whole different type of donut brand, and a lot of them, even like Krispy Kreme, I had Krispy Kreme donuts before and the Krispy Kreme donuts were really like frosted. It wasn't really like a good even 50-50 or something like that. So it's not like, it depends because some of them it can be like 100% frosted and some of them can be like, oh, maybe 20% frosted. So I think with donuts is something like where you grew up, like where I grew up, it was mostly, there was a little hole in the wall in this plaza and it was ran by a Korean couple. The family owned all that whole nine yards. And so I would usually go there and get donuts pretty much all the time. So then it was one of the best spots in my city. So I do think like donuts is not like really a go-to. It's like a really quick snack, but it's still like, it depends on where you go. Thing is for donuts, I think donuts are good. I think everybody can say that they would prefer their mom and pop shop over your name brand donuts. Definitely mom and pop over Krispy Kreme or Dunkin' Donuts, of course. But to me, I've never been able, I am proud to say this, it's really unfortunate, but I am a former Krispy Kreme employee. It was my very first job when I was 16, and even back then, I just could not wrap my head around the idea of donuts being a breakfast item. I don't understand it. I, you know, it's like, oh, it's your thing that you grab for the whole office. It's like, oh, look, donuts on Fridays. Like, everybody grab a donut, you know? It's like, oh, look, here's a quick little thing so you don't quit your job. But I've never understood, like, I can't eat a donut every day for breakfast. That doesn't make any sense, you know? And I think you brought up a good point of like, you know, some donuts, they don't have very much substance. You know, sometimes it's literally just a little bit of dough and then just frosting. Like, since we are here located in Las Vegas, I think a good brand to bring up is Pinkbox. Those donuts, though they are very, you know, interestingly designed, I went to Pinkbox one time in my lifetime and I had a maple bacon donut. Right, you know, they do interesting things over there, but I do not recommend getting pink fox for breakfast. That to me makes absolutely no sense. Most definitely. I did see today earlier we had a, at UNLV we had a involvement little thing happening in our, in our Pita Plaza. So during the involvement thing, I saw one of the, one of the D9s. For people that don't know, D9s is pretty much the nine black fraternities founded on the east coast and across the east side of the country. And what I noticed was that one of them actually had a Randy's donut. I was like, hold on, let me guess. Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. I'm like, where's the Randy's at right now? Drop the location immediately. I'm gonna need that location for sure because if it's just like, if it's just like the one in LA, it might, hey, hold on, it might be yes, hold on. Alright, so I think that basically wraps up our bottom tier right there. For any of you guys that need a recap, bottom tier we ranked as oatmeal, yogurt, donuts. Bottom, they're honestly forgettable. Not some of them, not even breakfast items, some of them just not appetizing. Alright, I think that we should now move on to the mid category. Now, these are just incredibly mid. You know, sometimes these are actually staples in our diet, but you know, they don't hit the way that they should. You know, our first item on this list for me is eggs.

See, that's a tough one.

That's a very tough one, because a lot of people, like I said, with people that weight lift and whatnot, instead of having the egg yolk, they usually have the egg white, which is a lot more protein. So it does have that protein factor in it as well, which actually can help, of course, bodybuilders and whatnot. But I do say, eggs, I would say, is definitely a big part of cooking, for sure. So you can't really have eggs without a lot of things. And so eggs alone, as a maid, I would agree to.

I would agree to, for sure.

You just have to add something. You have to add a toast, or eggs and bacon, or pancakes, or something. Right, and I agree with you Ty, I don't think that eggs stands well alone because you know when you look at all of these items individually, eggs almost never shines on its own. I feel like for eggs, first of all there's only so many things that you can do with eggs. You know, when you're cooking just an egg, you know, boil it, scramble it, over easy over hard, you know, like you could poach it, but you know like you have to basically add something to give it flavor. You need some salt and pepper, you need some Tabasco, you need some cheese. And that's just to make it taste good. And me appetizing, it's like, I feel like I've seen it on TikTok and Instagram where it's like people, they go through their, oh, they're obsessed with eggs. And then suddenly, just one day, it just gives them an ick. They're like, oh, the way it cooks, the way it smells. They're like, oh man, I just can't do it. I just can't do it. And I feel like it's just because it's so easy to just overdo it You know like I can't eat eggs every single day. I just can't I refuse and you know and these and this economy eggs is expensive now They did they just speaking of eggs some news on eggs Which you never really get is that they just at the US Mexican border They did a whole seizure of it because of how expensive it is Not a seizure. They did a whole seizure. There's articles hold on yards. You can look it up. They were smuggling eggs y'all god dang. I can't believe it I can't but I don't blame them welcome to us economy everybody cuz yeah, I feel like eggs Yes, they do belong in other dishes. You know they are an important piece in cooking itself, but in breakfast Eggs are really like finishing pretty much last place almost every time, but they're still solid. That's why they rank in the mid category All right, let's move on to our next item. Our next item on the list, bagels.

I didn't eat them growing up.

I've seen other people, I've seen teachers, I've seen younger kids eat it. I think it's really you have to develop a taste bud for it because with me, I was never accustomed to it. And so mostly other students and like even teachers, they'll have a bagel mixed in with like some yogurt. And I'm like, okay, you can mix stuff, but like you get a bagel with cream cheese, it's a whole different story. Yeah, for me, bagels, I feel like it's another one of those things where, yes, there is a lot of variety. I don't know if any of you guys have ever, but here in Las Vegas, there's a lot of Einstein bagels around, you know? And there's so many different types of bagels that they do, but it's like, for the topping of bagels, it's like, I feel like it's so limited. Essentially, it's like, oh, do you want cream cheese? Some people do like a salmon spread, which does not even make sense. It doesn't even make sense in my head. Sometimes they do like a fruity spread and I'm just like, oh, it doesn't make sense. To me, bagels essentially are just toast, but make it thicker and worse.



All right, and speaking of toast, our next item on this list is got to be avocado toast for me. Two things, toast is mid, alone. Avocados is just not gonna be it, chief. It's just not gonna be it. Avocado toast, I haven't even, I mean, I've heard the term before, but I've never seen it actually happen in person. So I don't know if people are still making that and whatnot, but definitely anything with avocado is something I would definitely not put in. Toast alone is definitely a mid-level. Avocado is definitely below, below, here's the bottom bottom. It's the ones we don't talk about. See, I would, I wanted to just put avocado toast and toast in this mid-category, but I decided to just smush them into one, just because in these past couple of years, the white girls love avocado toast. Or I don't want to say white girls, but just the fit people that have the quick little breakfasts. It's just become so much of a trend in these past couple of years. And me, personally, I understand it because it's a healthy type of breakfast. It's smaller. It's light on your stomach. But I don't think it's that amazing. The rage of avocado toast is insane to the point where I know that there are businesses that are like, we just sell avocado toast. It's avocado toast everything. I'm like, that makes no, no sense from a business standpoint. I want to meet the community that actually supports this because I want to have a serious talk with y'all and be like, hey, are y'all okay? Because this is not normal, my friend, I'm sorry. And the thing is, is like, I really like toast, you know? Like I'll make myself some toast, throw on some butter, boom, I'm good. That's a quick little snack, easy breakfast. I'm on my way to class. I'm munching on some toast with the crumbs falling down and everything and all. But the thing is, toast is really not that amazing because, once again, it's limited in the amount of things that you can do. There's only so many spreads you can put on it for breakfast. And then once you throw in avocado and try and put sesame seeds and a boiled egg chopped up and with some drizzles, I'm just like, you're trying to foo-foo something that is meant to be super simple, and it's just not working. It does not work. I don't, I see through the facade. I'm reading between the lines, and I'm like, no, I'm not going to pay $8, $10

for a piece of toast.

Never. Never. Never in this lifetime. So that is why I'm ranking avocado toast in the mid category. Very, very, very overrated. Now, let's move on to our next item, which has got to be, for me, crepes. See what crepes, some people might get mad at me, I don't give a damn, I don't give a care. But, I actually never had crepes because that was just not part of my growing up lifestyle. Because I grew up in an Asian household and a black household as well, so two cultures that eat the most stuff, but still have to be more geared towards what your kids eat. So I'm still a picky eater, and I still am, and I still was growing up. And so it's mostly just whatever my kid wanted, give it to him. If he wanted eggs, give him eggs. If he wanted cereal, give him cereal. Don't try to force feed him nothing because he's just gonna leave it on the freaking plate. See, I guess I'll just take the lead for crepes, and I'm just gonna start with I have tried them You know I think I don't know how exactly how old I was but I just remember having a friend I was like obsessed with like crepes and then having like a Nutella spread in it with like some bananas on top and like Right like once I actually tried crepes because it crepes is like a French delicacy You know if you know like French cooking almost everything they do is so technique intricate, you know, like you have to be very careful when you're making crepes, you know, so like I'll give crepes that it's very technical with how you have to make it, but I just don't get it because it's not that good. It's so thin and then you know you're supposed to layer it to give it some depth, but it doesn't have that, the crepe itself doesn't have much flavor. It really does rely on the toppings that you put on it, which some people result to like chocolate spreads, and you know, like, just like some sort of cream, and fruits, you know, and things like that. And I just, I don't get it, and I've never been a fan of them.

Most definitely.

So for me, I feel like there are other things that are much better than crepes that we will get into later. You know, like crepes,

compared to other staples in breakfast diets are just not good. I just don't like it.

There's definitely better more options.

Yeah, definitely better options and that's why crepes for me is going to be wrapping up this mid-category. So if you guys need a refresher in the mid-category included eggs, avocado toast, bagels, and crepes. Now we're going to move into the fun stuff, the good stuff, the things that you just have to have and you can't miss. We are going to be entering the top tier category. And what better way to start the top tier category than with bacon?

Bacon is definitely one of them staples.

I will definitely say that sometimes people can get it too greasy. I will, I will admit, but you know, there's, there's ways to make it not as greasy. You know, you can usually, the typical style what we did was put a napkin on the bottom, put the bacon in the middle, put another napkin on top, and roll it over and let it just soak into the napkin on the plate.

I see the technique there.

Because the thing is, the thing is about bacon, it's low-key the grease is the best part. The fatty pieces that are at the end of the bacon, delicious, love it. But you know, when you're trying to cut back a little you know you gotta be a little healthier you gotta feel a little bit better about yourself yeah we gotta soap up that extra grease the thing is about bacon it is literally the salty savory crunchy oh so good thing to have in the morning i've never had a salty bacon i'm just saying it's not salty at all i don't know if my taste buds are different from yours or it's from people listening but i've never had salty bacon, so if you do, please let us know. Let us know your experience. Okay, think about it. Do you season bacon? No. Exactly, because it's already flavored. Yeah, so you just put it on the pan and let it. Exactly, so it's already salty on its own. But why would you eat raw bacon?

Oh my God.

But it's still salty when you cook it. You don't have to season bacon. Some people do, you know, there's like maple bacon, you know, but okay, my point is for those of our listeners that are kind of consider themselves to be food connoisseurs as I consider myself, we all know that bacon is savory and a little bit of salty.

I don't know about that one, chief.


We'll have to agree to disagree.

Okay, all right, all right, all right. At least you're agreeing that bacon is top tier and deserves to be top tier. Yes, because it's a perfect sidekick to anything. You just don't understand what food category bacon falls into. I'm not a food connoisseur but I am but I am you just don't get it the girls I get it get it hmm all right we're just gonna move on to our next item our next item for me is hash browns hash browns is gas it definitely gas I would say you have to more more or less just depend on how you make it because we do have you know the southern style of hash browns how black people make it we do have the American way you go to fucking you go to bloody McDonald's and go get a greasy hash brown there I'm just saying and then other other fast-food spots are starting to adopt the hash brown trend Which is I would do say, you know more and more people are asking like, okay Let me get some hash browns with it but you know people make it the American way and make it have their own little style of hash browns and of course like When I haven't even gotten to like what you can add to hash browns on top of it like sauces and different things like that

Oh heck yeah.

I think hash browns, I think that is across the board a hit because you touched on a really interesting thing that I didn't even think about about fast food restaurants. You know, most fast food restaurants you're getting some sort of like oval little dish that's just fried and it's picked up and put in a wrapper and you eat it and you bite into it and it's amazing. You know, and then there's the more style that you see in restaurants of it's shaved potatoes, you know, and it's smothered with some, a little bit of onions, you know, and then you get it on your plate, throw in some hot sauce, throw on some ketchup, eat that, eat it up, eat it all up. Hashbrowns is so good for me. You know, I think I would love to, I'm a potato lover. I love basically any form that potatoes come in. So I, I think hashbrowns are amazing. All right, we're going to move into our next, our next item, which is going to be omelets. Omelets are cool, it depends on what you put in it though. Because omelets, you can't have omelets without eggs. So you have to have an egg as like the outer part, and like going back to it, eggs is better when you mix it with something and not a standalone like we covered already. So you know, you put eggs, you can put, for example, bacon in there, you can put some type of sausage in there, you can put a whole bunch of different stuff in there to make it like your own little thing which makes it more diverse and more like More just free free usage a free create creativity and see what you can create I got a question for you Ty what do you love your mama? Do you make omelets for your mama on Mother's Day? No all right, but Almost at all actually Some of us some of us listeners know that feeling you know you get the perfect technique down, you know. You get in the kitchen with your siblings, you know. You're all doing your different parts of the morning breakfast for Mother's Day. You know, for me, I'm the omelet maker in my family. I got the technique, I got the little fold so the omelet doesn't break, you know. I know exactly when to put in all of the little ingredients and sprinkle on the cheese like salt bae. I love me a good omelet because I be looking at that omelet and I'm like, yeah, I did that. Yeah I got the technique I got the special little touch and it tastes bomb and you can edit what ingredients you want go ham Bacon, there's so much variety with omelets and you know omelets can't also be healthy You can do an egg white omelet with just like some spinach some veggies like mushrooms and other stuff like that You know, there's so much variety and I don't know about y'all, but if I ever stayed in, not your basic hotel, but a slightly nicer hotel and they had an omelet station, oh yeah, I was first person in line. I needed to be there. I would get my personalized omelet.

That's just neat-o.

All right, next item on our list is gotta be a classic cereal. What type of cereal? Because you can have the cheerios, the frosted cheerios, which is gas by the way, I'm just going to say that right now. Gas is hell with the frosted cheerios, okay? It's better than the honey nut cheerios. But that's the thing, I don't think, I mean me personally, I haven't found a person who doesn't like cereal. Everybody has at least one cereal that they like. Yeah, because there's so many. You have Fruit Loops, you have Apple Jacks, you have honey nut cheerios, you have frosted cheerios, you have corn flakes, you have Red Crispies, you have uh, frosted

flakes, you have corn flakes.

Alright, alright, alright.

We get it.

We know.

We know. But that's the thing. Cereal is so universal. Everybody loves some good cereal, you know. You can use whatever type of milk that you want. You know, me personally, I love me some almond milk. Shout out to Almond Breeze, a Sacramento company, by the way. You know, I love me some cereal. You know, you know, your fit people, they get the granola, you know, but it's still cereal. It's still cereal at the end of the day because they pouring milk on top of it. You can eat cereal any time of the day. I don't know about y'all, but cereal is my struggle meal. When I'm like, man, I'm not trying to get into the kitchen and bust down real quick. Nah, I'm getting me a bowl, I'm getting me some cereal, pouring some milk over it, getting a spoon, and I'm munching.

And I am munching.

All my college students definitely know the struggle of waking up, right? We ain't got no milk, but we got cereal, right? So what we do, we said, hell no. And if you know, if you know, you know, your mama would definitely, definitely told you, you better put some water in that damn milk and eat it, boy.

Look, look, look, that is a different type of struggle

and we will get into that one another day, another day. Because yes. All my people that know, they know. The one thing about cereal that is the con is the, oh, when you pour out the cereal into the bowl and then you open the fridge and there is not a single milk carton in there. Oh, the pain. But that's because you know you wanted that cereal.

So how do you do it though?

How do you, do you go cereal then milk or do you go milk and cereal?

Oh, cereal then milk. If you do it the other way around, you're a psychopath.

Okay, good, okay.

I think you can agree on that.

And that's why it's so painful, because you didn't already poured out the cereal. You made the commitment to the cereal, but you have no milk. You have no milk, and that's why it hurts, because you're like, man, I needed that. All right, we're gonna go into the finale of our top tier. What rounds out our category for the day, right? For me, I just kind of smushed them together because they're the same but they're not the same. They're two individual things, but same in theory. I have pancakes and French toast. Pancakes, gas, definitely depends on where you go because I made some homemade pancakes and it was gas. I went to Blueberry and... Man, Blueberry got pretty good pancakes! Very gas pancakes, I'm not even gonna lie. Not even gonna lie, French Toast, gas as well.

Hold on, hold on, they both gas.

Both them gases egg.

Alright, that was just a funny moment because man, when you're struggling, especially us UNLV students, we know that feeling of going into Blueberry, whether it's late at night, middle of the day, it doesn't matter.

It does not matter the time of day that you walk in, them

pancakes are going to hit. They are thick, they are fluffy, they are so good. So shout out, shout out to Blueberry Hill, check them out if you live in Las Vegas. But for me, pancakes, when they're fluffy, they're good, you know, as a Sunday morning type of meal, you know, like it rounds it out, it's your good filler. And then French toast, another delicacy. You know, it's typically used, you get your stale bread make it you know get yourself a batter cinnamony sugary you know egg wash batter dip it you know pan sear it so good so good and it you know it's it's something it's a way to utilize you know especially since it's supposed to be used with stale bread you know you're utilizing your options and you're making something out of nothing and you know I just had to I just had to show some love to some French toast real quick, you know? It's French toast so good.

So good.


All right, so since we made it through all of our tiers for just want to wrap up top tier real quick, our top tier items were pancakes, pancakes, sorry, excuse me, French toast, omelets, cereal, bacon, and hash browns, because all of them are gas for my guest Ty, I just want to know, is there anything that you're like, man, she really missed this one thing that really deserves to be somewhere on this list, or, or, you're like, man, she is so wrong. This thing needs to be straight to the bottom. You want to rearrange my list a little bit. I would say, well, for my, what, southern people, yeah, about southern people, we got that chicken and waffles. We got that chicken and waffle for my down south people, they know what they're talking about. Gotcha. I mean, you're not wrong. You are absolutely not wrong. Chicken and waffles, I love it. They definitely do deserve to be in that top tier area. You know, because with breakfast, there's so many different types of things that you can eat. This list for me was so hard to make. So hard to make, because I wanted, I was like, man, everything deserves to be in the top. There's so many different types of things. Let me add, breakfast sandwich. You do a lot of things with a breakfast sandwich and a breakfast wrap. To me, the thing is, is I feel like, I can see breakfast burrito, but I feel like a breakfast sandwich is basically everything we listed just put into one. You know, breakfast burrito, I feel like that is its own type of thing breakfast sandwiches don't really count for me I don't know why they don't really count it's not it's one own thing you know like it's a bunch of different things you know you get your bacon you get a little you get your bread get your eggs you know these were all things that were on the list already breakfast burrito down breakfast burritos they'd be so good they are so good get you get your tortilla which was not on the list. Throw in some sort of potatoes, some sort of protein, can be ham, could be sausage, drizzling some hot sauce, some salsa, some something. Wrap it up real good. Man, that's a bomb breakfast right there. So yeah, chicken and waffles and breakfast burritos, I feel like deserve to be on the list, probably in the top. Probably in the top, I see you. So which one would you think has like its own tier? You know we have the top tier, but what's that like super tier?

What's that S tier? S tier.

What's that S tier? What's like you can't beat these? What's like the big three per se? Nothing can beat these big three. Probably chicken and waffles because it's, you're sweet, you're savory, a little bit of salty. I feel like I wanna say that's not even really breakfast, it's brunch, but I don't care because it's so good. It's open 24 hours, seven days a week.

So good.

And then I really feel like chicken and waffles

is just S tier.

It's just in its own little category, it's just above everybody else. It is out of this universe. I don't know who made chicken and waffles, but whoever made that little thing, thank you.

Appreciate you so much.

I don't know what you did, if you took the leftover chicken from last night and he was like man let me make this waffle and that's it that's it but that's all we needed. That's all we need that's all the south needed. That's all we that's all we need in the south. I appreciate you for that. All right I think now now that we got now that Ty you got the chance to get that off your chest I appreciate you for bringing that to my attention. I think we're ready to wrap up this episode. All right thank you so much for tuning into this episode. Appreciate you so much. Make sure you tune in every single Friday at 6 p.m. I will be airing. All right, you are listening to Top Tier. I am your host, Jordan. I was joined here with my guest, Ty, and I hope you guys all have a great evening. Thank you so much. Thank you so much for tuning into this episode. I appreciate every single one of you. I appreciate every single one of you. I hope all of you guys have a great night.

Transcribed with Cockatoo

Episode 1 - Breakfast
Broadcast by